It’s that time of year again. Time to file your taxes! But don’t worry; it’s not as bad as it seems. Some 70% of U.S. tax filers can file state and federal taxes for FREE using is the perfect way to file online both easily and securely – and did I mention it is FREE?
Take advantage of helpful tools such as calculators, error checkers and online chats, plus a free help line if you have any questions. Software provided by H&R Block, plus is available in both English and Spanish.
If you prefer to file in person with an IRS-certified tax preparer, just visit or call 2-1-1 to find a location near you. MyFreeTaxes is a great way to maximize your return and ensure you receive all the tax credits you’re eligible for, all while saving you money because you don’t have to pay a tax preparer. MyFreeTaxes partnership has helped some 10 million people earn almost $10 billion in refunds and tax credits since 2009. So even if you don’t file using MyFreeTaxes, help spread the word with people you know so this year no one leaves a dime on the table.