Making real change requires people to come together to support one another.
That's what United Way does, by facilitating volunteerism in each of the 1,100 communities we serve.
Across 37 countries and territories, people volunteer in their own backyards through United Way. It's global reach, with local impact.
Whether it's leading a food drive, offering mentoring or tutoring, or helping a senior citizen file their taxes,
each of us can take actions to help our communities be stronger, more resilient places where everyone can thrive.
Find your local United Way here to connect with meaningful volunteering opportunities.
Need inspiration? Check out some of our volunteerism blogs here.
United Way Day of Action
Our Volunteers
Each year on and around June 21, tens of thousands of people in hundreds of communities around the world come together for United Way's Day of Action. It's a global volunteering activity, where people can take a small step to make a big difference. For some, it’s stuffing backpacks full of books to encourage reading and improve early literacy. For others, it’s planting community gardens to foster civic pride and promote affordable, healthy eating. For United Way, Day of Action mirrors the work that we do all year long, building stronger, more equitable communities where everyone can thrive.