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Six-year-old Vivian LIVES UNITED by raising money for the Gulf Coast

Six-year-old Vivian LIVES UNITED by raising money for the Gulf Coast

We recently received an envelope with $53.00 in it. It came from Dallas. The sender was Vivian, a six-year-old, who raised the money herself by working at her lemonade stand during the summer. She wanted us to put her earnings in United Way's Gulf Oil Spill Fund, so we can make sure that "the ocean is clean" and people have jobs.

She also sent along the card you see here. There wasn't a dry eye in our house, and we couldn't keep this to ourselves. If you would, please leave a thank you message for Vivian here. We'll make sure that she receives all of them.

United Way is focused on the building blocks of a good life: Education, Income and Health. Our efforts in the Gulf region center on ensuring the financial stability of the citizens in the areas affected by the Oil Spill. You can read the full report on the work to date, executed on the ground by United Way for the Greater New Orleans Area.