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Out-of-School Time (OST) Programs

Out-of-School Time (OST) programs provide quality services to school-aged youth through formal and structured opportunities. OST program goals and content can vary considerably, but most programs seek to engage youth and provide learning, enrichment, and leadership opportunities to support youth academic success and overall development. United Ways are positioned to be able to play a key role in the development, implementation, and sustainability of OST programs. In this toolkit, you will find a variety of resources and tools for your United Way to use to develop or strengthen OST efforts in your local communities.

Site Overview

Content Descriptions

Have a resource you want to share? See something you've created fitting well in the Toolkit?

Email your Out-of-School Time reports, publications, best practices, case studies, blog articles, videos, media mentions, etc. to We will contact you if we are featuring your resource in the OST Toolkit.