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United Ways have the ability to influence the level of funding Out-of-School Time initiatives receive. Check out the resources below to see how one United Way approached the fund allocation process and made the case for OST to appropriate potential funders.

United Way for the Greater New Orleans Area — Out-of-School Time Funders Meeting — Facilitators Agenda (2010)
This Facilitators Agenda was created by UWGNO for a meeting with funders to accomplish the following goals: understand the Out-of-School Time landscape in Greater New Orleans; identify common outcomes funders desire from OST programs; engage in productive conversation around using collaborative investment to support quality improvements and increase the return on investments within the out-of-school field; and identify initial opportunities for collaborative work.

United Way for the Greater New Orleans Area — Out-of-School Time Funders Meeting PowerPoint (2010)
This PowerPoint presentation was used for a New Orleans funders' meeting to make the case for Out-of-School Time. It includes benefits of OST programs, relevant definitions, and local data.


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